By Anonymous - 14/01/2010 22:35 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend dumped me by writing "we're through fat slob" on my forehead whilst I was asleep in permanent marker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 723
You deserved it 5 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're better off without him if he's that immature. 8|

CyclonePsycho 1

If he feels the need to call people fat slob, then that relationship was going nowhere anyway. Still, sorry your feelings got hurt.


shaquanda 0

you were asleep in a permanent marker?? i find that highly unlikely. maybe watch the wording in future posts, op.

shaquanda 0

@147 that's what i said! (literally. i didn't see you comment, so i posted the same thing :S) where did her bf get off calling her fat when she can fit in a permanent marker?! (took it a step too far, yeah? aw poop!)

xlostwithoutu 0
ZadeKaine 0

Rubbing alcohol gets permanent marker off pretty quickly if soap and warm water doesn't work.

YDI for being a fat ass. Most overweight women, OP probably included, bitch and piss and moan about being fat and yet just make it worse. Boyfriend probably got sick of listening to it and hoped that would be a way to get her to, you know, take care of herself. Either way, OP, take it as an opportunity to better yourself and get a better man.

some people on here are so heartless, its not her fault that she may be overweight, it runs in some peoples family. so seriously stfu, mk thanks.

DanielleTheOne 3

Key "I'm glad dipshit" into his car or somthing.. Also, shut up with the "YDI for being fat" comments because maybe she is fat but that doesnt mean she deserves to be written on while sleeping. Respect everyone no matter who they are.. What if i was dating someone from a different race and they wrote "Its over Aussie bogan" on my head?? would you all say "YDI for being Aussie"?? in my mind its the same thing.