By imnotacheateryouimmaturefuck - 27/11/2012 01:41 - United States - San Mateo

Today, my boyfriend dumped me by throwing my stuff out of his place, and accusing me of cheating while yelling, "Cheater, cheater! Pumpkin eater!" When I tried explaining that I have no clue what he's talking about, he started exclaiming, "Liar, liar! Pants on fire!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 573
You deserved it 3 432

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

There once was an OP who lived in a shoe. Her boyfriend said she cheated, and gave her the boot. Little did she know, she was dating Dr. Suess, And shouldn't give a damn about losing her boo.


I only say you deserve it because you really deserve to be to of someone so immature.

sammisweets93 12

You should be happy, you don't have a immature boyfriend anymore.

hapy_pig098 13

You should have punched him since it's easy peasy lemon squeezie

I thought you had to be at least 13 to use this site.

Sounds like he was a keeper anyway.........

Now who are you going to carpool to daycare with?