By soooyeah - 30/04/2009 12:15 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were laying naked in my bed making out. All of a sudden, we hear "pop goes the weasel" outside my house. My boyfriend stops and excitedly says, "ICE CREAM MAN", flips me over, grabs his clothes, and runs out of my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 522
You deserved it 76

Top comments

laxinmidge 0
DRchika 0

That stinks... but hey who doesnt love a good icecream cone? ^_^


haha wowww if this ever happened to me i'd just be like "wow, really now?" lol

How's this an fml? That's so unbelievably adorable. I probably would've run for ice cream after him. If you don't want him, I'll keep him :)

Did he at least bring some back? Perhaps a milkshake?

CourtneeMalakian 0

who the **** makes out naked and isnt having sex at the same time?

cantelopenipples 0

ahahahahhahahahaha. your boyfriend is the shit

JeSsIeBoO 0

haha hes like a little kid!!!BUT who doesnt love ice cream dude?seriously!!!!

bella_brasil 0

Wow some of you are so bitter. I bet he's not even that young,plenty of guys will do this,no matter the age.

The question is...who WOULDNT do this for the ice cream man?!!??! That man is the best thing ever! :) Your boyfriend is my hero.