By soooyeah - 30/04/2009 12:15 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were laying naked in my bed making out. All of a sudden, we hear "pop goes the weasel" outside my house. My boyfriend stops and excitedly says, "ICE CREAM MAN", flips me over, grabs his clothes, and runs out of my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 522
You deserved it 76

Top comments

laxinmidge 0
DRchika 0

That stinks... but hey who doesnt love a good icecream cone? ^_^


alex_vik 0

And this is why 5 year olds shouldn't be dating.

Hopefully you locked the door behind him as he ran out of the house.

Socrates_fml 0

how can you be upset at that? you obviously have your priorities mixed up. take a lesson from him.

well at least he grabbed his clothes... lol also sounds like something I would do rofl

Who the **** wouldn't choose ice cream over sex??? Right now, I'd choose a spongebob ice cream over internet. :D

wannabegangsterr 0

Win-Win. Have him put the ice cream on you and lick it off.

Your boyfriend is my hero, I think. I'd do that. :] Ice cream is amazing.

You're lucky to even have ice cream trucks. I think they're illegal here. D: Also, it might have been his excuse to stop making out. Ice cream is better anyway.

icecream truck?! where the hell do you live that it's warm enough this time of year to put icecream above sex?! it's still very cute, though. ;)