By soooyeah - 30/04/2009 12:15 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were laying naked in my bed making out. All of a sudden, we hear "pop goes the weasel" outside my house. My boyfriend stops and excitedly says, "ICE CREAM MAN", flips me over, grabs his clothes, and runs out of my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 522
You deserved it 76

Top comments

laxinmidge 0
DRchika 0

That stinks... but hey who doesnt love a good icecream cone? ^_^


hahahahahaha sux fr u. did he get u some?

primogen18 0

Don't take it too personal, it just happens, ive done similar lol. I mean its the fricken ice cream truck.

whymenow 0

I've done this, actually very recently (I'm 23) while making out, but not whilst receiving a *******. I get too few of those from the GF to abandon ship for ice cream...even if it is the best ice cream in the world.

As a female, I'd totally would run with him to get ice cream! XD

awwuh! he sounds like a cute guy. you should keep him :)

I think that's admirable in a way. He sounds fun, and childlike - which is good.

ice cream and sex is a great combination. Don't complain. I probably would have raced the guy to the truck = )

squelf 0

i see both me and my girlfriend doing this. haha.

I've had that happen to me. Only it was a *******. He told me I had to hurry up cuz he wasn't gonna miss out on ice cream.