By soooyeah - 30/04/2009 12:15 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were laying naked in my bed making out. All of a sudden, we hear "pop goes the weasel" outside my house. My boyfriend stops and excitedly says, "ICE CREAM MAN", flips me over, grabs his clothes, and runs out of my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 522
You deserved it 76

Top comments

laxinmidge 0
DRchika 0

That stinks... but hey who doesnt love a good icecream cone? ^_^


LysssNysss 1
bella_brasil 0

Wow some of you are so bitter. I bet he's not even that young,plenty of guys will do this,no matter the age. & lmfao 64 and 128 (:

LOL, that was the best FML i've ever heard. i'm still laughing. what a funny guy. hopefully you have a sense of humor and can appreciate it.

xxdani 0

Your boyfriend is my hero, that is soo funny!

I would have been right behind him, racing him to the truck. That's adorable. He's a keeper.

Rantie 0

LOL maybe he will bring you some? Ice cream is the best tho

110% win. seriously, sometimes ice cream is all you need :P

ehue 0

wow, people really need to lay off of her, i read it as a joke and as something i might share too to brighten up other people's days. I know that it made mine marginely better. i think that its cute that he still loves the ice cream man that much and besides its spring, he's been MIA since September! Anyways, I really hope you laughed it off and maybe got some yourself. Sex can take place at anytime and pretty much anywhere, the icecream man only comes five months a year!

mylifeisfuckeddd 0

so i guess he didn't have time to "POP up his penis" before the ice cream man came.