By ShockBait - 22/08/2009 21:07 - United States

Today, it was my next-door neighbor's birthday. Over the past year, his pitbull has attacked my stepdad several times and put some stiches on me. Lucky for us, the dog was finally put down. For his birthday my neighbor got a new, bigger, pitbull. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 635
You deserved it 5 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kindofgocrazy 0

Not all pitbulls are mean, maybe you'll get lucky and this one won't be.

loveabull66 0

this is bullshit. pits are amazing dogs, maybe its the owner whos the dumbass and raising them to be aggressive. its basically like raising a kid, teach them to rape and murder and 9 times out of 10 they'll grow up with the mindset that its ok. its people who dont understand this that give pits a bad rep, and another reason that theyre nearly outlawed.


pitbulls are not bred to be evil.... the reason pits and other very popular dogs are the way they are is because some dip wad wanted more puppies thus started in breeding so they could make more money... at some point the pits brain starts to swell and the pressure from the brain pushing against the skull is what makes them go insane.... and not all pits are like this.... this is y u research the blood lines before u get a puppy.... btw..... my neighbors had a pit that was really really sweet and i have had a pit myself love them to death if they are trained correctly.... any dog can b territorial or aggressive from an ankle biting chihuahua to a rottweiler u.... just have to check the blood lines and make sure u train them correctly

_volcom_ 3

You were one of the only people that mentioned this and it is absolutely correct! I cant stand people who say, "My dog is the sweetest dog ever, it would never hurt anyone," because im sure it has been like that, but they cant know that something wont set it off eventually... Although there are some dogs that can have aggressive sides for other reasons, there are a lot of breeds that have the problem with their skulls being too small causing pressure to build up and their personalities become more aggresive with time. That is one reason people put dogs down after they have bitten someone... If you are selfish enough to keep the dog after it attacks someone without at least taking it to be retrained and getting some electric fencing and shock collars, plus a beware of dog sign, then you shouldnt have a dog. FYL OP. And the poor dog your neighbor now owns. He obviously doesnt know enough about proper dog care and training.

lifeisabitch9 0

YDI for you and your stepdad not learning the first time it attacked you guys. How many attacks does it take before you learn to STAY THE **** AWAY FROM IT!!!!!!!! HAHA...i hope you learned your lesson and stay away from the dog...if you go near it, I hope you get attacked. You can't blame an animal for a person's STUPIDITY!!!!! Granted the dog shouldn't have attacked you, and he shouldn't own a dangerous pet when he lives next to another family, but don't be stupid, STAY THE **** AWAY!!!!! YDI if you get bit again. Also, you should get a court order that he put up a stronger fence, and if it escapes then he has to find a new, more responsible owner.

scribblystories 0

I get where you're coming from but dude just cuz she'd try to stay away doesn't mean the dog wouldn't walk or run up to her and attack her. Unless of course, the dog has no legs.

lifeisabitch9 0

Oh and I wanna take one thing back from my last message...if you go near it,I don't hope you get bit...I hope you don't, but if you do then YDI.

No worries Vicks only a short drive away in philadelphia. hell take the dog off ur hands

That's not what she's saying. It's pretty much implied that she thinks the second one will be worse and harder to manage. That's why she put it on FML instead of MLIG.

Dalmatians* btw First: Dalmatians don't like Children in the first place... so it's not a good idea to get a Dalmatian when you have younger children in your home, or that visit a lot... Secondly: If you REALLY want a Dalmatian, get it at a young age and have it around children as a puppy, then it will see that small children aren't that bad, and it will learn at an early age...

MonkeyButt55 0

pitbulls are not mean. people who own them are mean and that causes them to become mean. maybe your neighbor should be put down.

bosshaug 0

Can someone explain what & means I see it all the time in here and I have ******* idea what it means

xlauren___ 0

youre an idiot, '&' means 'and'. i learned that in kindergarden.