By omgwtf - 18/10/2009 15:32 - United States

Today, it was Homecoming. During the dance, I saw this mentally handicapped guy ask this pretty girl to dance. She said no. So I went over to him and asked him to dance. He replied that he only wanted to dance with "pretty girls" and I was not one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 775
You deserved it 5 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Turnip_Girl 0

Even the mentally retarded have standards. Sucks to be you. :(

im sure your beautiful don't let one persons opinion decide your confidence


MiseryMan 0

OP probably needs to purchase her groceries from the internet because she's too damn ugly to even step foot into a grocery store.

it really sucks when someone goes out of their way to do a nice thing, and then gets shit on by the person they tried to help, and complete strangers .. don't let that discourage you from being a good person!

Un_Luckey_One 0

And I'm sorry have you read this person's diagnosis, do you know for a fact that they have MR. Have you seen their IQ test that puts them at that level? NO I DID NOT THINK SO!

Un_Luckey_One 0

And I'm sorry have you read this person's diagnosis, do you know for a fact that they have MR. Have you seen their IQ test that puts them at that level? NO I DID NOT THINK SO!

piles_of_fail 0

I don't care WHO you are, that is funny. Everyone is ugly in some manner. The ugliest are the ones who think they are not... the arrogant beauties. Everyone has something they would like to change about themselves. But you OP, did a very, very thoughtful deed. If only there were more like you.

Un_Luckey_One 0

So you know their disorder?? You know this person personally?

its what you deserve for being a fat ugly chick! ... how dare you pity him because YOU have decided he is "mentally retarded" obviously he isn't that retarded he knows he can do better then you

Hmm... I'm kind of torn with this one; On the one hand, I've known a ton of slutty chicks who look for compliments by approaching and "acting nice" to mentally challenged students, while on the other hand, if he really did have a mental condition, they can be overly blunt D: FYL, OP; it doesn't necessarily mean you're ugly? xD

angryseatroll 5

Well, he didn't really know better. But thank you for being a great person. We need more people like you I'm the world.