By omgwtf - 18/10/2009 15:32 - United States

Today, it was Homecoming. During the dance, I saw this mentally handicapped guy ask this pretty girl to dance. She said no. So I went over to him and asked him to dance. He replied that he only wanted to dance with "pretty girls" and I was not one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 776
You deserved it 5 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Turnip_Girl 0

Even the mentally retarded have standards. Sucks to be you. :(

im sure your beautiful don't let one persons opinion decide your confidence


rachelwhaatt 0

you are seriously such a nice person, and that was mean of him to say. i feel really bad that he did that to you because you were being so nice. and you're not ugly, no one is. not even me...i think. screw all the people that are hating on you. they would have never done what you did.

Disabled he may be, but he still needs to learn a thing or two about gratitude.

I think that you must be a very wonderful and sweet person to do that:) don't listen to all of the idiots that are rudely responding to your entry.

Hooray for retards having standards :)

Actually unluckyone, the correct terminology is mentally retarded, it has just been used out of context so many times we assume it's an insult.

Which basically means the word EVOLVED. So, yes, in this time, it IS an insult.

kaelyn_p 0

i agree with #6. it was still very sweet of you to try to dance with him. i bet you are very pretty.(:

scotchnacid 4

Wow OP lot of respect for u for doing that.... as of the guy F**k him

don't feel bad most likely your a awesome person