By omgwtf - 18/10/2009 15:32 - United States

Today, it was Homecoming. During the dance, I saw this mentally handicapped guy ask this pretty girl to dance. She said no. So I went over to him and asked him to dance. He replied that he only wanted to dance with "pretty girls" and I was not one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 775
You deserved it 5 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Turnip_Girl 0

Even the mentally retarded have standards. Sucks to be you. :(

im sure your beautiful don't let one persons opinion decide your confidence


ouch "/ im sorry. dont even worry about it.

SuitedMonkey 0

Well, he was retarded right? So what's the worry?

Why, because it's politically incorrect? ...NO IT'S NOT.

Sacch2010 0

I would have called him the R word and walked away. XD FYL though, that sucks.

SuitedMonkey 0

R word? You mean, retarded? retard? re-durdur-tard? It's okay, say it.

Here's how I see it. It was really sweet for you to ask him, but he felt offended because you pitied him (even though you were just being nice). But he was a douche for calling you ugly, he could have plainly said no. At the same time, since he's mentally handicapped, he might have not realized that you were trying to be nice to him and/or he didn't realize that his statement would offend you.

What an idiot.... if he just got turned down, he should at least turn down politely.

TulipsAreBetter1 0

awww. well that was still nice of you to do that. the other girls a little bitch for saying no.

Calm down, #66. Unplug your panties from your arse.

Everyone has a different definition of pretty, but that was a nice thing to do.