By omgwtf - 18/10/2009 15:32 - United States

Today, it was Homecoming. During the dance, I saw this mentally handicapped guy ask this pretty girl to dance. She said no. So I went over to him and asked him to dance. He replied that he only wanted to dance with "pretty girls" and I was not one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 775
You deserved it 5 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Turnip_Girl 0

Even the mentally retarded have standards. Sucks to be you. :(

im sure your beautiful don't let one persons opinion decide your confidence


A lot of people are giving you crap for "looking down" on the guy, but what you did was actually pretty sweet, in my opinion. If the story were flopped and you were the girl who turned him down at the dance, people would probably be calling you a heartless bitch right now instead.

letitbe56 0

Well, you can't always get what you WANT. But if you try sometimes, you get what you need.

He IS mentally retarded. Plain and simple fact. #38 is absolutely right.

I got asked. He dragged me out to the dance floor (against my will) and I told him I was waiting for someone to come back. Then I told him I didn't know how to dance. (He was expecting a waltz I think) And he asked why I wouldn't look him in the eyes. His eyes were looking behind him. :|

rikkech 0

I think that was really nice of you !

ahh :( but at least you were nice and asked :D

WOW_idc123 0

retard is what they used to say. its not rude. it just sounds rude because teens call other ppl retards cuz they did something stupid. they have twisted the meaning of the word retard

justmyluck1212 0

He's mentally retarded, forgive him.

WorkThatButt 2

Your a very compassionate young woman. I'm sure your just as beautiful on the outside as your are on the inside. Keep your head high girl