By but I tried anal and everything - 22/11/2012 16:13 - United States - Des Moines

Today, in break from tradition, I proposed to my boyfriend. We were at a Japanese Pagoda. Water was trickling everywhere; the moment was perfect. While I was on my knee, after pouring my heart out, he looked wistfully out over the water and said, "So, I was thinking pizza tonight." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 793
You deserved it 6 702

Same thing different taste


Well, he didn't flat out say "no" so maybe he was planning on proposing to you at that very moment as well? That's probably a long shot, actually, but it's better than him being too much of a coward to just admit that he isn't ready. Still, FYL. That's embarrassing.

Did anyone consider that this is a gay couple?

redhedsaysrawr 18

considering it says "in break from tradition" and that OP states she is a woman by her name, no.

The OP is a woman, so really, I doubt it.

coastiepat 0

It sounds like two guys who pack fudge and cross there legs

kahnforyourmom 2

Maybe he's just not that into you...

qirde_15 5

so.. did you really eat pizza? i guess it's very awkward

Most guys are not into rings so when you propose what do you use/give? A pizza could do the trick

bott_fml 4

Don't feel too disheartened! It wasn't marriage but I once asked a guy out and he rejected me, only to ask me out right after! When I asked why he did this, he said it was embarassing having not been the one to ask. Perhaps your boyfriend will want to ask you, himself :)

Wow u go gurl i domt think he deserves u


Probably cause you proposed. He probably didn't take it seriously. I wouldnt