By but I tried anal and everything - 22/11/2012 16:13 - United States - Des Moines

Today, in break from tradition, I proposed to my boyfriend. We were at a Japanese Pagoda. Water was trickling everywhere; the moment was perfect. While I was on my knee, after pouring my heart out, he looked wistfully out over the water and said, "So, I was thinking pizza tonight." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 793
You deserved it 6 702

Same thing different taste


jadejazmyn 5

i proposed to my fiance and he said yes. A man who is truly in love with you doesn't care how it happens he just makes it happen.

danz123 7

Well, marry me instead? Only a real woman cares about equality in places like marriage proposals.

Poor freaking guy!! Might as well rip off his dick, how heartless!!

Bludmagnus 13

I hope you dumped him, as he totally was not worth it.

haruhiotakufan16 7

As a girl you don't propose to a guy. It doesn't make them feel very masculine. If they want to marry you let them pick the right moment don't jump the gun.

I see the problem: normally it's the guy that proposes so maybe he was ignoring you because he already had something planned? Idk I think this needs a follow up