By but I tried anal and everything - 22/11/2012 16:13 - United States - Des Moines

Today, in break from tradition, I proposed to my boyfriend. We were at a Japanese Pagoda. Water was trickling everywhere; the moment was perfect. While I was on my knee, after pouring my heart out, he looked wistfully out over the water and said, "So, I was thinking pizza tonight." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 793
You deserved it 6 702

Same thing different taste


Hey... I live in Iowa! That Japanese Pagoda your talking about is a Chinese Pagoda... And it's next to a sewer dam -.-

Iowa is probably not as small as you think it is.

I legitimately live in Iowa... That wasn't sarcasm. I know exactly which place she is talking about.

Maybe he thinks if you guys get married you'll stop doing anal. Just convince him it will continue and get better if you guys get hitched.

I'm all for both genders proposing, but I'd love to propose to the girl I love, it just seems more romantic and traditional. And some of us men, believe it or not, like being romantic.

Bob_Cat_fml 14

Yeah because a girl can't propose in a romantic way … do you think the proposal in the FML wasn't romantic enough with the pagoda and rain and shit just because SHE had the balls to propose before him ?

I said "more romantic", not "absolutely no romance comes from a girl". Stop overreacting, I agree women can be romantic when proposing, I guess I prefer the old fashioned way when a guy does it.

Bob_Cat_fml 14

And what if your girlfriend prefers to be the one to propose the man she loves in a romantic way ? Would that be less romantic than coming from a guy ? I'm not overreacting I just don't understand how it should be “more romantic” if you're a boy.

137 I would honestly have to say that you *are* overreacting. Just because 63 has an opinion that differs from yours, you're putting him on blast. He said that he would prefer to be the one to propose to his girlfriend, not that his gf can't or shouldn't propose.

Most men don't like being proposed to. Stupid, but true.

Why wouldn't a man like being proposed to? Anyway, how do you know that most men wouldn't like it?

RedPillSucks 31

Apparently, she's proposed to most men.

Special_Psycho 8

Wow. That man is deep (the teenage boy said sarcastically).

shantel87 0

I still don't believe it's a woman's job to propose for marriage, she kind of set herself up. Men say a lot of stuff, that may mislead a woman, just to maintain a sexual relationship.

itsBEEarOHseekay 12

"Woman's job"? The fifties called; they want their ignorant views back.

carminecris89 13

87 73 is allowed to believe in traditional gender roles. Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean it's outdated or ignorant. You can simply disagree without getting petty.

itsBEEarOHseekay 12

It's sad that you think there's nothing wrong with "gender roles."

itsBEEarOHseekay 12

Let's tell women and men that only certain actions are acceptable in society based on their gender and try to force them to comply by telling them they are breaking traditions or mocking them. That hasn't created any problems before. I'm sure all genders love following the "rules" laid out for them by stupid traditions and no one has the urge to do something outside of tradition or has to unhappily swallow those urges for fear of scrutiny. Sorry, gender roles ARE wrong. They cause problems. That's not an opinion; check out the articles and studies proving this.

carminecris89 13

99 I like variety. Men and women are equal but different. I don't think a woman should stay home and raise kids but I do think its okay and preferable to have a man ask you to get married.

RedPillSucks 31

Some gender roles are OK, but some are based on the traditional views of women as property, or their inability to have complex/rational thoughts. Some traditions are outdated and should die a quick death.

carminecris89 13

103 There's fundamental differences between men and women. Men and women are equal but different. Most past traditions aren't needed and are outdated but that doesn't mean every tradition is mean't to keep people down. I don't want children, I don't want to be a housewife, but I do like when a man takes initiative and makes the first move. There's nothing wrong with not disregarding everything past.

Bob_Cat_fml 14

Saying men and women have different roles IS sexist. End of ******* story. Unless your ****** defines you, which is pretty sad. There's no “I'm not sexist but women shouldn't propose and men can't wear makeup without being gay”, it IS sexist because you're creating a difference based on a person's sex. Which they didn't choose.

yousuck44 11

Shut up and cool your **** already.

Special_Psycho 8

I would be happy if my girlfriend proposed to me! As long as it happened after we'd been dating long enough.

edit: This comment was a reply, ended up not a reply. Would delete if there was an option to. :(

Jester1988 3

Ladies, you have every right to ask your man to marry you. But there's one flaw to that plan. if he hasn't asked to marry you, it's b/c he doesn't want to. he's never "waiting" for you to pop the question. so go get a guy you deserve and who WANTS to marry you. For that reason alone YDI.

Way to over-generalise. Men don't just instantly propose as soon as they decide they'd be happy to marry their girlfriends, you know. I know at least 2 guys who definitely want to marry their girls but one has bought the ring and is waiting for the right time (he has been for about a year now, she has no idea he's going to do it). The other isn't going to do it purely because his girlfriend has uni commitments and he wants to wait it out until she's left university and is settled down a bit more. Just because a guy hasn't proposed yet doesn't mean he's not ready for the commitment.