By kirsty - 08/04/2012 17:18 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I went to a new deli in town. While waiting in line, I hadn't made up my mind on what to order, so I let the guy behind me go instead. Turns out he was the hundredth customer, and they gave him his lunch for free. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 450
You deserved it 9 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sounds like an episode of Spongebob.

Maybe he needed it more than you did


What goes around comes around. Soon something good will happen to u unexpectedly

linkinpark98 23

The same thing almost happened to me, too. Except I was the 98 costumer. -_- Oh well. All I can say is, those chips I ate were delicious! :D

Did you dress up for the occasion? What costume did you wear?

linkinpark98 23

I wanted to go as a unicorn, but the costume store clerks kicked me out for lurking in the isles. :/

That is messed up if they seen what you did. They don't care about their customers. They were going to give the next person a free lunch even if someone cut in front of you or something. You know what they would say? "Just let it go." I hate people. Also, I would have passed the free lunch on to the op if I was the guy because I would feel bad.

How dare you! That was their home! Be prepared for an invasion when you go to sleep. Put pantyhose over your head so they can't burrow in your head :)

Sounds like another case of "nice guy finishes last" /:

BeatifulPenguin 4

Maybe from now on you'll now what you want before getting in line

metal4life6661 0

You got food didnt you?!?! So stop your bitching!!!!! And plus you were kind about it so just go with it

charmanderCHAR 5

So, because you let a stranger take cutsies, thus leading you to gain good karma points, and he got his $6-$7 dollar sandwich/lunch for free, your life is ******? How EVER will you survive?