By extraflavour - 23/12/2009 20:24 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to a local take-away and ordered a pizza. I watched the worker get my pizza out the oven, then wipe the pizza cutter on the trash bin to get rid of the last pizza's toppings, and then cut my pizza. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 527
You deserved it 3 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you paid for it thats your own fault, I would have made them make me another.

The smart thing to do here would have been to calmly open up the box, take the pizza out, and whip it behind the counter at the idiot who did that.



I think it's not the kind of trash can u think it is maybe it was put there for that very reason?

Well, that sounds like bull (I can't see the pizzeria employees being that retarded), if it's true, you have a right to demand that they give you a new pizza or give you your money back, or else you're notifying the proper authorities (which you'll want to do anyway even if you do get your own back). They're under obligation of the contract you made with them to make the pizza as legal regulations dictate. Besides, if it's happening now, there's reason enough to believe that it probably happened before, and just might happen again. That kind of crap needs to be nicked in the bud.

that's horrible...but unlikely. With all do respect, Either this is true and your dumb enough to take the pizza AND eat it or you just brainstormed for a fake fml and nothing came out but this hot steamy turd.

CJ090 0

Ok there's a simple solution 2 this 1. Grow a pair 2. Tell that greasy guido 2 not put his nasty pizza cutter on ur pizza 3. Tell him 2 make u another one or u will go to dominoes instead

Cerauno 0

Uh, why the hell didn't you complain about it? Tell the manager and demand they make you make a new pizza with clean utensils, or better yet, a refund. YDI if you just sat there watching it happen.

gwakamoli 0

I work at a pizzaria. Everything here is clean as ****, You could eat out of the trash bins ffs. Nothing to bitch about here.

I live in York too. Bet it was La Bodrum. I got a burger from there once and the bun was soaked in blood.

I don't see how this is a FML, you just say thanks but i saw what you did, i no longer want that pizza, and i will be complaining to WPHS! easy