By extraflavour - 23/12/2009 20:24 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to a local take-away and ordered a pizza. I watched the worker get my pizza out the oven, then wipe the pizza cutter on the trash bin to get rid of the last pizza's toppings, and then cut my pizza. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 527
You deserved it 3 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you paid for it thats your own fault, I would have made them make me another.

The smart thing to do here would have been to calmly open up the box, take the pizza out, and whip it behind the counter at the idiot who did that.


Probably nothing more than pizza stuff. Probably just remnants of the same stuff that would go on the pizza. It's not like it's an outdoor public trashcan.

MarcTorchbearer 0

It's not really worthy of an FML. id just ask for a new pizza.

Did you complain to mangement? If not YDI and STFU.

I hope you complained and demanded they make you a new one.

Erindub 0

For the people saying they don't eat food from resturants do you HONESTLY think food from grocery stores is any better? Really? All of that food gets processed in questionable places too!

I certainly hope you demanded a new pizza, on the house. If not--you totally deserved it.

How is this a FML? I would have told that dude I didn't want it. I mean wtf is wrong with you taking it for? I mean are you that fat that you have to eat it even though it's not up to your standards? Man, talk about lost of self control. Get a hold of yourself, son.

Maybe that trash can is specifically to throw away pizza-related things and thus has nothing more disgusting in it than what you were planning on eating.

Dante_Nakura 0

I agree. Those trashcans fill up surprisingly quickly so nothing has any chance to be nasty. All that would be in there is pizza scraps that fall on the table while cutting, ripped cardboard from boxes or other pizza bits.