By extraflavour - 23/12/2009 20:24 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to a local take-away and ordered a pizza. I watched the worker get my pizza out the oven, then wipe the pizza cutter on the trash bin to get rid of the last pizza's toppings, and then cut my pizza. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 527
You deserved it 3 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you paid for it thats your own fault, I would have made them make me another.

The smart thing to do here would have been to calmly open up the box, take the pizza out, and whip it behind the counter at the idiot who did that.


melinduhk 0

Eh' it's a part of life, unless you're cooking it you can't really know what's going into should have refused the pizza if it grossed you out that bad.

I used to work at a pizza place and we put the blade on a pizza pan lid. after you cut a 80 pizza half hour, it gets gross, but replacing the blade every hour is up to company standards. would you have complained if they cut the pizza with a blade with heaps of toppings stuck on it? I'd say the bin was used for pizza stuff only..

you are just as bad if you didn't complain about it... then this FML would be unnecessary :)

philosopher 0

Well, it could have been that they only use that trash can for food, not for anything else, so it would be sanitary. If not, then yeah, FYL.

Trash cans are lined with bags. The bags in any food place are changed periodically and especially at the end of the night. Considering it was a pizza place there is pretty much nothing harmful that could have been on the edge of that trash can. Sure, it was in poor taste to do something like that, but in the 4 years I've worked in the food industry I can tell you that is by far the tamest and probably cleanest thing I've heard of. He wiped it on a piece of plastic ffs.

cantrellk 0

yeah that trash barrel is where they throw the food from the grill so stop being stupid before u know exactly what it is

Well, you MIGHT HAVE had a lawsuit on your hands if you had to them you weren't going to pay for that because if what they did. Since you paid for and ate it though, you have no law suit on your hands. YDI.

abadbassist 0

I'm a student in york and get pizza every once in a while...dare I ask where?