By UnluckyInk - 18/02/2013 08:50 - United States - Manlius

Today, I went in to get my first tattoo. I'd put a lot of thought into it and was really excited when the day came. Long story short, the Celtic knot I'd gotten turned out to have an alternate meaning of "female sex slave." The faces my very Irish family made were beyond words. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 319
You deserved it 49 701

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why you should know what the tattoo means first!

You should also get a 4-leaf clover for food luck


Well apparently you didn't put as much thought into it as you said you did.

graphicstyle7 17

Yeah... why does your family know something like the BSDM meaning? I mean, you got it in all innocence. Then again, lots of really nice people out there are into BSDM. It's not automatically saying you're a bad person.

I've seen some people with four leaf clover tattoos and for some reason, they just remind me of hanging ball sacks. :P

Yeah may want to do some research before scarring your body

Next time look up what something means before yo get it permanently tattooed on your body.

Which says something about OP's family, dontcha think? At least she's following the family tradition! Daddy Dungeon Master must be so proud!!

Luckily for you barely anyone knows that...

ShananaginsLOL 13

That's what I want to get when I'm 18

oooo show me a pic I want it I have Japanese hiragana up my arm saying lust pain slave ;)

10showgirl 16

Be proud of your tattoo! I mean, you're gonna have it for a while anyway. Just wink whenever you explain the tattoo.... And say ,"Giggity."