By UnluckyInk - 18/02/2013 08:50 - United States - Manlius

Today, I went in to get my first tattoo. I'd put a lot of thought into it and was really excited when the day came. Long story short, the Celtic knot I'd gotten turned out to have an alternate meaning of "female sex slave." The faces my very Irish family made were beyond words. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 319
You deserved it 49 701

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why you should know what the tattoo means first!

You should also get a 4-leaf clover for food luck


So much for putting a lot of thought into it.

bigtime_rocker 11

For god's sake, dumbass... Study first if your doing a tattoo with cultural, tribal or historical significance.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Don't wander too close to the leather crowd you may make unintentional friends.

you should have researched more; however, if the artist knew the meaning, he should have told you. if he didn't, ydi. but if he did, that was wrong on his/her part. i know i almost got a tattoo that would have meant something completely different the way I originally wanted it positioned. Luckily he told me before I got ink'd!

blink_kid 32

Obviously you didn't put enough thought into it.

YDI for not looking into what it ment.

Satoaoi 13

Hope your good at peeling skin off

I always advise my victims (I'm a tattoo artist. victim sounds better than client I'd your tool is mainly a gun.) to research the meaning behind any symbology. because even if you have wanted it for a long time, doesn't mean you put enough thought into it to be sure.

chlorinegreen 27

Because your just trying to make people feel stupid and inferior to you.