By UnluckyInk - 18/02/2013 08:50 - United States - Manlius

Today, I went in to get my first tattoo. I'd put a lot of thought into it and was really excited when the day came. Long story short, the Celtic knot I'd gotten turned out to have an alternate meaning of "female sex slave." The faces my very Irish family made were beyond words. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 319
You deserved it 49 701

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why you should know what the tattoo means first!

You should also get a 4-leaf clover for food luck


Who cares you didn't get it to impress them. Your body, your ink. Be proud and think before you ink or "pick and stick"

Sarvin 0

So you got a Celtic knot done without showing them first and asking if it really meant what the internet said. . . So much for "really thinking it through". Idiot.

Ha ha ha, perfect example of why you Google, Google and more Google before you ever get a tattoo of something.

dr_snow_bear 29

To be fair, most tramp stamps mean the same thing.

paramor3 23

Suddenly I feel like singing..."I'm a slllaaavvveeee for you" thanks Britney

that's a total lie. why would a Celtic cross-the only meaning of which is Christianity-ever depict 'female sex slave'? They do not form together to make a language and i'd be amazed if any tattoo artist or your family knew ogham for female sex slave! Lie.

Obviously you didn't put that much thought into it.

If the symbol you got is a plain + within a circle, I do think that the very last thing people will associate it to is BDSM. (How your familiy knew, I'd rather not elaborate on) Should they however be familiar with the symbol, they would know that it is the symbol of an owned or "collared" female, and most likely not approach you about it out of respect for you and your master :) FYL op, what an unfortunate story. But really, you should investigate how your family knew.

If you like and wish to keep it, look into if this tattoo has any alternate meanings. If it does then you could pick the one you like best and add to the tattoo in the spirit of the theme you choose, e.g., the Gaelic word for purity or nature or whatever. It might make it more palatable for your family and make it easier to live with for you. Otherwise, laser or get a cover up if you regret it that much. Honestly, though, if you didn't know, how many people are actually going to think of that meaning when they see your ink?

I'm Irish and I've never ever heard of a celtic "sex slave" knot. And as far as I can see, other actual Irish people commenting here (Haigh daoine eile btw! ), no one Irish person has a clue what you're on about. So no worries OP I guess :)