By MickyIsEVIL - 09/04/2013 11:05 - Japan - Nagoya

Today, I was yelled at while I was shopping by some lady, because she saw my tattoo on my arm. She screamed that I'm the "spawn of Satan" and told me I'm going to hell. It's a fake tattoo of Mickey mouse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 122
You deserved it 3 904

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well Disney ******* closed Lucas Arts and CANCELLED 1313 you HORRIBLE EXCUSE OF A BEING YOU HAVE THE TATTOO OF THE DEVIL. Just kidding I don't even play those games.

Really? I mean, I could understand if it was Donald Duck, but c'mon...


Well this is Japan D= Biased against tatoos

A similar thing happened to me but it was a real tattoo and the old lady told me that I was a ***** and that I was going to hell. So I told her well, you're a bitch and I'll see you there. I gave her a great big smile and walked away. :)

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