By MickyIsEVIL - 09/04/2013 11:05 - Japan - Nagoya

Today, I was yelled at while I was shopping by some lady, because she saw my tattoo on my arm. She screamed that I'm the "spawn of Satan" and told me I'm going to hell. It's a fake tattoo of Mickey mouse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 122
You deserved it 3 904

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well Disney ******* closed Lucas Arts and CANCELLED 1313 you HORRIBLE EXCUSE OF A BEING YOU HAVE THE TATTOO OF THE DEVIL. Just kidding I don't even play those games.

Really? I mean, I could understand if it was Donald Duck, but c'mon...


skyeyez9 24

Mickey and Satan are in cahoots with each other.

Have you seen them in the same room together, just saying.

xheathaax 3

She probably thought it was real. There's no trying to reason with super religious people like that. That's when you look at them and hey if I'm going to hell at least I'm having fun doing it. If it was real or not it's your life do what you want with it, and don't let things like that bother you.

i feel for you OP, I have a tattoo of Betty Boop that I get compliments on all the time but twice I have been yelled at and called a "disgusting lesbian" who's "going straight to hell". I am straight, married and of faith :) More people need to mind their own business.

If only logic could be given to people, if only.

That lady would probably have a stroke, if she saw my "**** You" tattoo on my arm ;-)

People tell me I'm the reincarnation of Satan.

Just don't bother explaining - they'll all die anyway.