By EpicFailAtItsFinest - 13/04/2009 02:49 - United States

Today, I was working as a lifeguard. A woman began to have a seizure. Nervous, I went into shock and walked into a tree, knocking myself out. Post seizure, the woman stood up and walked away. Later, I woke up in the hospital. The ambulance had arrived to take her, but ended up taking me instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 505
You deserved it 19 519

Same thing different taste

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"Today, I had a seizure. I thought the lifeguard would save me but turns out they managed to knock themself out because they panicked. The ambulance took them to hospital, forgetting about me. FML" Poor woman.


Well, at least the ambulance guys weren't dissappointed that you wasted their time or anything.

Fraggle 0
alex_vik 0

Note to self: DON'T rely on the life guard in case of an emergency.

How the hell did you get all the way to a tree...? Unless it was an outdoor pool :

starberries 0

You know, there are indoor pools, but outdoor ones are hardly rare. Weird comment.

ya. we regular ppl actually have to swim outside. shocker!

shmunk 0

i have seizures a lot. and while i understand what people are saying about how bad it was that you didn't come through and as a lifegaurd you should be able to handle high-pressure situations, i understand how frightening those are to see. even my closest family members have froze up at the sight of me having a seizure. it's a really disconserting thing to see. and no amount of lifegaurd training can really prepare you for it. dont be too hard on yourself, but maybe reach out to that woman and apologize.

What the hell bro?! why are you a lifeguard then? Go find a new job. One where you don't have to run away from serious situations. Dum-bass

marcusaurelius 0

some lifeguard you are... I bet you faint at the sight of blood too...

hahahahaa_fml 0

im calling am obvious fake on this one. as a lifegaurd myself, both at beaches and multiple outdoor pools, how did a tree get in the way. beaches dont have random trees between lifeguard chairs and the ocean and pools shouldnt either. this is complete bs. plus, what lifeguard panics when it comes time to do his job. thats what youre paid for and trained to do. going into shock and walking into a tree? what the ****. that doesnt happen when you go into shock and i dont think anyone is that ****** up to just walk into a tree. even if you 'did' walk into a tree, thats enough to know you out and send you to the hospital? please be fake or you my friend have serious problems.