By erjazo - 31/12/2013 21:19 - United States - Morris

Today, I was watching TV with my husband, and he started getting frisky. When the commercial break started, we started having sex. When he came, there were still two commercials left before the show resumed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 274
You deserved it 6 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Probably didn't want to miss any of the show

This depends entirely on what channel it was. If y'all were watching a show on TNT, then he could've had enough time to satisfy you three times over.

jefrey 9

im the opposite, have sex during the show, and take a break on commercials LOL

arandomusernameaa 20

Who the **** does that... (other than you) the commercial is the boring part!

Is it weird that the screen name made me laugh more than the fml?

Maybe he just wanted to finish before the program started back up?

woiz 11

sweetheart that's called "quickie"!

bella_bunz0415 10