By erjazo - 31/12/2013 21:19 - United States - Morris

Today, I was watching TV with my husband, and he started getting frisky. When the commercial break started, we started having sex. When he came, there were still two commercials left before the show resumed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 274
You deserved it 6 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That's why it's called a quickie. If you wanted more, go to the bedroom!

If he wanted a quickie he could have used his hand.

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

Maybe you should not do it with the tv on

Well at least you didn't miss any of your show

and maybe if you guys had sex more often he wouldn't have busted a nut in a few minutes

#10 is obviously trying to reassure themselves.