By erjazo - 31/12/2013 21:19 - United States - Morris

Today, I was watching TV with my husband, and he started getting frisky. When the commercial break started, we started having sex. When he came, there were still two commercials left before the show resumed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 275
You deserved it 6 853

Same thing different taste

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FYL I guess, he is your husband and my guess is you have had sex before so you probably knew how long he lasts. I'm also gonna say YDI because if bad sex ruins your life you chose to marry that man

Ok so he comes fast. Just have him finish you off by hand or mouth (second one might take some finagling so you don't miss the tv show but I can picture it done)

As a male, I plan to do my best to get my wife off as well if/whenever I come first, by whatever means I can. I don't see why more people don't, I mean at minimum it should be common courtesy.

So what you're suing is you had sex AND didn't miss any of the show. Sounds like win.

Xatraris 38

At least you didn't miss your show! Truthfully long sex is better than TV, so I guess it sucks in a way. Better than nothing though.

op's name must be what she asked him to do

Girlie7 11

If you start now you can make love into next year.

October3461 12

don't worry op, if he came early usually means it felt really good for him :) that or just a warm up :)