By NotSteve - 18/04/2009 08:19 - United States

Today, I was walking home from when I passed an old woman sitting on the curb of Walmart begging for change. I gave her my last dollar and felt good about it. Five minutes later I saw the same woman driving away in a car. I don't even own a car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 631
You deserved it 11 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments


meddude 0

you deserved that shit. you need to watch for signs that the woman isn't homeless. and doesn't everyone agree that people should learn to ******* proofread their FMLs?

balanceMMX 0

write down her license plate number and slash her tires next time you see her car at Wal-mart... lol

AntiChrist7 0

at least u gave something right? maybe she needed gas money. either way thats funny hahaahahah

just think, our president wants to give people like that more of your money

000001 0

Some people make a living out of begging. I read somewhere that there was a millionaire's mother doing the same thing. Maybe that was her?

.. she probably lives in her car. Don't judge her by thinking she's being dishonest. Sure, that may be the case, but you'd feel like a jerk if you realized that all she has is that car that she's probably driving illegally because it isn't insured or what not. And you have a home, and food on the table, and money in your pocket. So just because she has a car doesn't mean she's well off or anything. People need to eat.. But if she uses that money for drugs or whatever, or if she just likes scamming people for money, then shame on her.

I would just buy them food. not give them money. but if you think about it maybe she was an "entertainer" and found someone looking for a good time. ;)

its not uncommon around here for homeless to have over a grand in pocket they are smart and get what they can when its nice out so they can hide inside when winter comes

Walking home from what?.... I got lost in the first sentence. Also, that does suck, I give money to people sometimes because I feel that while they might be faking it, if they aren't at least I helped when I could.