By NotSteve - 18/04/2009 08:19 - United States

Today, I was walking home from when I passed an old woman sitting on the curb of Walmart begging for change. I gave her my last dollar and felt good about it. Five minutes later I saw the same woman driving away in a car. I don't even own a car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 630
You deserved it 11 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Aw, that is terrible, you did something good so you should not feel bad about it at all, something good will come your way!

Never give money to beggars. "A fool and his money..."

This is why you don't give money to beggars. If you want to help people, give to shelters and charities. Even legitimate beggars probably won't use that money in ways that really help themselves...

showtime23 0
Emmett_Luver_101 0

what a tool. but least it wasnt a $20 bill? she was probably just in need of the last dollar to pay for more sex toys because she cant get a man that doesnt need money to have sex with her cheer up =]

123sploosh 0

my mom used to give this woman change everyday in manhattan until she saw her in a $10,000 getting in a limo