By NotSteve - 18/04/2009 08:19 - United States

Today, I was walking home from when I passed an old woman sitting on the curb of Walmart begging for change. I gave her my last dollar and felt good about it. Five minutes later I saw the same woman driving away in a car. I don't even own a car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 631
You deserved it 11 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments


i hate it when ppl do that. it's like some ppl actually do need the money.

That's why I dont give money to homeless people, half the time they are professional street walkers.

SilentGround 0

there are too many people like that. bummer you got scammed.

#5 FTW. Give beggars food or clothes, not money.

haha-- #5 and #13 (3OH!3 = love) and hey, this means that something good's bound to be in your future... Something not so good in hers.

yesmy_love 0

dude. maybe she just needed a dollar. stop complaining.

Thats why I never give money out to those losers.

Islander_fml 5

Don't give people money. Ever. I don't care how poor they are. If you're DYING to be a good Samaritan (and I don't mean feeling guilty that you're well-off and they're not, I mean you really, REALLY enjoy giving people stuff, almost to the point that it gets you off), then maybe, POSSIBLY you can give them some food or an article of clothing you bought a vintage shop. Even then I wouldn't suggest it. But never ******* EVER give them money! Never. YDI.

ohhhhshizzz 0

Awuh that sucks, what a bitch. I would have threw rocks at her car. Not all beggers are alcholics, thought I'd throw that out there. There are quite a few, but I guess since I'm from New Orleans the only reason they are out there is because of the storm. But seriously I'd throw rocks or something at her car, break a window.

hannahleigh 0

quit whining b/c you don't have a car and now you're out a whole dollar. having a car doesn't mean you have money. maybe if you had said, "she drove away in a really nice car." but you didn't. so stop complaining. if she's willing to reduce herself to begging for money she's obviously down on her luck. you did a nice thing, leave it at that.