By NotSteve - 18/04/2009 08:19 - United States

Today, I was walking home from when I passed an old woman sitting on the curb of Walmart begging for change. I gave her my last dollar and felt good about it. Five minutes later I saw the same woman driving away in a car. I don't even own a car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 630
You deserved it 11 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments


swerrwer 0

she probably lives in that car...

swerrwer 0

Oh and number 56 what the **** does this have to do with Obama???? you stupid **** Obama isn't giving money away to anyone he is investing it in our economy and struggling businesses with poor infrastructure. People like you enjoy so many luxuries paid for by everyone's taxes (NOT just yours!) yet you think our tax money is just going into the hands of "welfare ******," you are delusional. I bet almost everyone would agree they would rather see our money going to our own citizens than going to the Middle East.

meddude 0

**** you #56. ******* redneck asshole. i bet you supported Palin.

Failercoptor 0

shit, she gets social security, shes already got her hands in unco sam's pocket, **** that bitch

You poor thing. This is why I don't trust people. You do one kind thing only to realize the person is scamming you. Hopefully that kindness will come back to you and that bitch will get what she deserves for taking money that could have been given to a real family in need.

There are sure a lot of scammers out there. It's best to donate to charity, not to hand out money on the street.

i don't give money to anyone besides the guys who look like they're probably vietnam vets, which most of them are where i live. although, yeah, you didn't mention if it was a nice car or not hence she could be living out of her car. like, say, she could've been in an abusive relationship and was stuck, but left and all she had was her car. just sayin'.

lalosaa 0

aww, that suckss, you didn't deserve that. but don't stop being a good samaritan! thats why you should never give money to beggars on the street. if anything you should just give them food, if you have it on hand.