By explosiveBAM - 26/05/2011 05:04 - United States

Today, I was texting at work when my manager walked in. I quickly dropped my phone in the garbage to avoid trouble. Since I was working so hard, she decided to do me a favor and throw the trash out for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 049
You deserved it 56 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a waste. Stop sending trashy text messages.

MedChew 19

Well, I BET she saw you trying to cover up and did this to spite you.


mintcar 9

62, that's what I wanna know.

well i understand not wanting to get in trouble, but hell with that! your phones about to go bye bye!

annabanananaa11 0

...Do you not have pockets? I mean really. there had to have been a better option that a TRASH CAN.

Go in the bathroom if u HAVE TO text (which you shouldn't be doing anyway). YDI

ydi for not doing your job in the first place. you're phone will still be around on your break and when you get off. you're job will not be around much longer if you don't remember that.

a_nutritionist 10

it depends on the purpose of the message. if its important then i say go for it and explain the situation. if not, then i really dont see the point. any boss worth a damn wouldnt condemn you for taking 1 minute to get something done thats important, but i can see the frustration if the message was just "hey hunni i miss yew xoxoxoxoxoxo" or some other trashy nonsense.

dumb idea. did you at least get it back?

I was thinking the exact same thing!