By paymeinhugs - 17/03/2009 01:04 - United States

Today, I was swimming in the ocean with my best friend and a giant wave came and knocked off the bottom of my bikini. My friend told me that she would go get another bottom so I could walk onto the very crowded beach. She left me for half an hour, laughing from the shore with her entire family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 525
You deserved it 6 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awwww shes a douchebag. she's NOT a friend

She's a friend, it's what we do... Sucks, but you'll have to get her back =)


That is so mean! I can't believe she left you there for half an hour!

firstnlast77 0

i would do things like this to my best friend but wouldn't go that far, but i remember: a friend pulls you up when you fall, a best friend is the one who pushed you.

Sigh to all of you saying how you can't believe it.... You'd the same and so would I, maybe not as long, but that's some funny shit.

Damn...I would be pissed, but sure as hell will be a great story in a few years. Let it go and get a funny revenge later.

I'd be more pissy about having to tread water alone in the ocean for half an hour than not having bottoms for half an hour. But that's because I have an irrational fear of sea creatures and currents. Unless your vag is horrifically disfigured or something, who the F cares anyway? I'd just lol.

Checkitawwt 0

Wow you're friend's a good one, huh? And so is her family.. Well sorry that happened to you. =/

You should have just got out of the water. Show some balls, or lack thereof.

since the wave made it came off, I assume it was a string bikini bottom. go back to girl scout and learn how to tie properly so this won't happen again. or just use regular bottom with no string, since apparently you don't know how to loop and pull.

diddo with #2. she is your friend, its called a fun friendship. its just up to you to get back at her.