By paymeinhugs - 17/03/2009 01:04 - United States

Today, I was swimming in the ocean with my best friend and a giant wave came and knocked off the bottom of my bikini. My friend told me that she would go get another bottom so I could walk onto the very crowded beach. She left me for half an hour, laughing from the shore with her entire family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 525
You deserved it 6 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awwww shes a douchebag. she's NOT a friend

She's a friend, it's what we do... Sucks, but you'll have to get her back =)


haha aw, that sounds like something my best friend would do.

DuchessAngel37 0

#35 - They were probably long gone. My friend lost a hat and sunglasses getting knocked down by a wave. OP: A - your friend sucks B - wear a bikini that fits.

starbaby 0

35 have you ever been in the ocean? If the wave was strong enough to wash it away its not going to be easy to find. But I think this is funny I agree though get her back! Lol

HeadShots4Hope 0

You should have punched that ***** in the face.

Proudmary 2

You should've lost the top as well, come out of the water and then sued them for child pornography.

hoops387 0

I agree its something friends do, but for a whole half hour, thats a bit ridiculous.

Seriously, it can't have been half an hour. You have no idea how long that really is, when you break it down into seconds and minutes. But considering the tiny amount of cloth and large amounts of flesh usually exposed, wouldn't it have been best to just sneak in as close as you could and then just run for it? If it was really half an hour...? And honestly. How does a swimsuit 'fall off'???? Tops perhaps... but bottoms????

LMAO , didnt you look for it ? i would have laughed :P