By Teaching - 12/11/2009 07:17 - United States

Today, I was reading my students' Halloween stories I made them write for my creative writing class in high school. One of my students wrote about attacking me. She got my street address perfect and everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 988
You deserved it 4 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As long as she doesnt do anything then it should be fine. Was the story good at least?

HyperactiveJer 0


This reminds me of an article I read about the Columbine attacks. You really should do something about this or else you might have another Columbine on your hands.

T_ZaDdii 0

damn...dat musta really been type skary if you wouldve failed her huh??

xenomorph 0

You wanted a scary story. The student took your instructions quite literally. I would award an A for creativity.

whoa, thats scary.... lemme guess. being a bitch to her in class? or failing her? do something about it be4 she shows up in front of ur house

quarty165 0

To state the obvious, it's really important to get to the bottom of this. You have two basic scenarios, or ideas for scenarios. The first is that the student realized the object of writing horror is to scare the reader, in this case, you. (In this possibility fits the idea that the student could be one of your neighbors and happen to know your address.) The second is that the student hates and plots to kill either you or the entire school. In that case, get a restraining order, and watch out!

OP: careful what you wish (ask) for. Just because the student wrote a personallized scary story, doesn't mean it was well written and deserves and 'A'. I've seen lots of movies with a good story that were still crappy movies for a multitude of different reasons.

oh my goodness! lol that is not a good sign, i say call the parents and inform the principal. it becomes serious when they get you correct address!!

lock your doors and windows and hope to god the kid doesn't turn on other words, don't fail him!

ATTILA_fml 0

you dayum teachers deserve it! all you iz put on dis earth is tah turn us in to da feds! damn saltines! you ol' ass prolly voted for Mccains old ass anyways! Free slickpulla and B-ReAL NIggA!

youallsuckass 0
ATTILA_fml 0

you a rasict ass paddywachk! Fuhhk wit meh!