By Teaching - 12/11/2009 07:17 - United States

Today, I was reading my students' Halloween stories I made them write for my creative writing class in high school. One of my students wrote about attacking me. She got my street address perfect and everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 988
You deserved it 4 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As long as she doesnt do anything then it should be fine. Was the story good at least?

HyperactiveJer 0


You gotta admit, the kid sure did her research. Has she asked for a lock of your hair yet?

youthink_fml 0

YDI. You asked for a Halloween story in creative writing. You got exactly what you asked for.

Welcome to the days of the internet where you can find out where people live and their relatives using google. Do you have a directory, because that may contribute and make it easier to find someone, especially if you have a telephone number listed.

ninjobliveus13 0

Some of you guys are reading WAY too much into it. A teachers address wasn't that hard to get ahold of when I was in school. Unless the story involved a person stalking/killing teacher in an overly violent way, I wouldn't worry about it.

Um dAmn if i. was u report the student in my skool We had a chick and she had a list of teachers and students to kill they thought she was playing but she wasn't she was put under house arrest so serious report especially how the student got your address. They need help

driedpeaches 0

Report them to the VP or counselor, have them suspended or at least counseled.

happyvalleygirl 0

Proper use of apostrophes would make me take you more seriously as a teacher. Maybe your student felt the same way.

F your life if you stop caring about halloween after middle school. Halloween is the second best holiday (second only to christmas) and pretty much everyone I know still celebrates it and loves it and we're in university. You're just an idiot.

cuz they're TNT, yeah they're dynamite! (good song)

You're a lazy teacher if you are just now reading a halloween story.

Ligerie 0

I think a high school student is old enough to know that that won't be tolerated. So they deserve it for testing you.