By Teaching - 12/11/2009 07:17 - United States

Today, I was reading my students' Halloween stories I made them write for my creative writing class in high school. One of my students wrote about attacking me. She got my street address perfect and everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 988
You deserved it 4 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As long as she doesnt do anything then it should be fine. Was the story good at least?

HyperactiveJer 0


postaltubealex 0

What's the big deal? I knew my teacher's home address and phone number. Sure it wasn't listed, but her husband with a different surname was.

dru67 0

its most likely because your a bad teacher.

applelover1995 0

u gotta give her props u wanted a SCARY story n shhe gave it to u its as simmple as that

tuna1827 0

i think that kid stalks you. not to scare you or anyone/thing, but you might wanna watch out, she might be crazy enough to do that.

Tell her you'll report her if she doesnt put out.

necomni 0

erm, yknow, it could have been a (albiet rash and careless) joke. it was intended to be a scary story, and what could be scarier than a personal threat?