By Teaching - 12/11/2009 07:17 - United States

Today, I was reading my students' Halloween stories I made them write for my creative writing class in high school. One of my students wrote about attacking me. She got my street address perfect and everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 988
You deserved it 4 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As long as she doesnt do anything then it should be fine. Was the story good at least?

HyperactiveJer 0


You "made" them write a story? What did you do, hold on to their pens and force them? It sounds like you are a crappy teacher and I don't blame the student for fantasizing about doing you in.

13929jje 0

#77 wtf? Of course he didn't force them to write the story in the way you're thinking about. Jesus Christ. He probulary 'made' them write the stories by...oh I don't know..setting it as homework? A class assignment? You know, how teachers usually do.


Get her out of your class, get her into counseling or suspension, change your phone # before she does something you'll both regret, and quickly dissociate from her. Just in case...

Report that. This is how Harris and Dylan basically said in-code that they were going to shoot people. "Yeah, I dreamed that people were getting shot..."

OP: I don't think you should have the student commited until you've put the story into context. Does the student hate you? Do she show signs of anti-social or violent behaviour? Do you have a healthy student-teacher relationship? Maybe she just did it to scare you, maybe you should talk to her before putting something on her permanent record. But you know, that's common sense. When did schools start using that?

Erindub 0

Hmm looks like its time for you to move

Yeah, for your saftey... I'd recommend giving her an A... anything lower and she might try to kill you. Preemptive measures, my friend.

quintuple_09 3

Mr. Marshall?! I hope this isn't you xD