By Ginger_Gawd - 21/01/2014 03:34 - United States - Hialeah

Today, I was playing with my little nephew and began to tickle him playfully, even though I know he doesn't like to be tickled. When I was done, he looked me straight in the eye, punched me in the groin, and told me, "No one tickles me". He's six. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 490
You deserved it 46 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you know he doesn't like it and you did it anyway, you sort of had it coming.

"Today I did something wrong and suffered the consequences. FML"


Excuse me,by that I mean that they are either ignorant of the damage they are doing or they are just that stupid to expect respect after doing the damage.

graceinsheepwear 33

And I'm sure you won't make that mistake again. When I was a kid I hated being tickled. But people would do it because it was "funny". Uggh. For THEM, maybe. After enough times of my dad tickling me, I finally started saying that I hated him. He got the picture pretty quickly after that.

Azrael9 11

YDI don't you understand boundaries? You had it coming. Kudos to the kid for making it known.

Someone downvoted this? What the hell for?

Gotta love it when wastes of oxygen downvote me just for asking a simple question. Internet: A place filled with human refuse.

Even six year olds get to set boundaries and can expect to have them respected. YDI.

What a ******* dumbass you are, 77. A child has a right to say no against unwanted touching. And the fact that OP knew the kid did not want to be tickled completely eliminates any sympathy I have for him. He deserves it 100%.