By Ginger_Gawd - 21/01/2014 03:34 - United States - Hialeah

Today, I was playing with my little nephew and began to tickle him playfully, even though I know he doesn't like to be tickled. When I was done, he looked me straight in the eye, punched me in the groin, and told me, "No one tickles me". He's six. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 490
You deserved it 46 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you know he doesn't like it and you did it anyway, you sort of had it coming.

"Today I did something wrong and suffered the consequences. FML"


I dont get i why this one got so much FML votes.

Because those people are dickheads who think that children have no right to not be touched in ways they're not comfortable with.

I think this isn't an either/or scenario, yeah, it sucks, but OP 100% deserved it. So I can see both applying.

As a ticklish person myself, you totally ******* deserve it.

happyfingers 15

And that is why you don't tickle people who you know don't like to be tickled. YDI

You deserve it. You know he didn't like it but proceeded anyway. I don't feel bad for anyone who feels a child's wrath after knowingly violating their personal space.

Someone should have taught you a long time ago that unwanted touching is WRONG. YDI.

signedup2comment 1

That sucks OP! But you had it coming if you knew he didnt like being tickled, although your nephew overreacted a little too much.

he doesnt like it so its kond of your fault...but a kid shouldnt do that to an elder..did u beat the kid?