By Ginger_Gawd - 21/01/2014 03:34 - United States - Hialeah

Today, I was playing with my little nephew and began to tickle him playfully, even though I know he doesn't like to be tickled. When I was done, he looked me straight in the eye, punched me in the groin, and told me, "No one tickles me". He's six. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 490
You deserved it 46 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you know he doesn't like it and you did it anyway, you sort of had it coming.

"Today I did something wrong and suffered the consequences. FML"


JMichael 25

I have to say you asked for it OP. Don't push people when they don't like something. The consequences may be dire. In your case losing your manhood.

Mate, you need to teach little kids boundaries, and that their personal space is important. Creepy, OP.

I would punch him back and say "I do", and then tickle more.

Yeah punch a little kid... Child abuse is just great...

Quiet_one 22

When I was a kid, my dad loved to tickle me. He thought it was hilarious to hold me in place while he did it so I couldn't escape, but I did NOT. I hated it so much that for a while I actually had recurring nightmares about being tickled. My mom and I told him to stop, but he insisted it was just fun and I was enjoying it- just listen to the screams of laughter! (nope, those were just regular screams...) Finally, I got to a point where I refused to even walk near him when we were at home and that's when he realized it wasn't fun for me, and I wasn't just exaggerating. He didn't get a hug from me for months because I was terrified that he'd grab me and start tickling, and it was a long time before he completely earned back my trust. It sounds silly, and I know there are way worse things in the world, but if someone doesn't like being tickled you need to not do it (even if they are just 6 years old!).

transcedental 18

oh, honey. your comment made me sad, I just wanna hug you.. *just-an-overempathic-stranger* ;_;

Quiet_one 22

Haha, #53, thanks, but I'm fine now so no need to worry. All this was almost 2 decades ago, and now I think it's kind of funny. No lasting damage was done. :)

P1Nk13 7

I went through the same thing! Even now, tickling gives me anxiety attacks.

loooool your cousin is freakin great! good luck with your groin pain o_o

You know he doesn't like being tickled, and you did it anyway. He knows you don't like being punched in the balls, and he did it anyway. It's hard to see how you can expect sympathy.

You knew the kid didn't liked to be tickled, and you did it anyway. The kid made it clear that your behavior was unacceptable with a good punch. Sorry, OP, but YDI. Maybe not in the groin, but you deserved to get a sock.

You definitely deserved it. You need to learn how to respect people's boundaries no matter how young the person is

you don't mess with the kid. I understand it's fun for you, however, kids too don't like the way you don't like to be hit at groin.

YDI you did it even tho you knew he's get mad