By Ginger_Gawd - 21/01/2014 03:34 - United States - Hialeah

Today, I was playing with my little nephew and began to tickle him playfully, even though I know he doesn't like to be tickled. When I was done, he looked me straight in the eye, punched me in the groin, and told me, "No one tickles me". He's six. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 490
You deserved it 46 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you know he doesn't like it and you did it anyway, you sort of had it coming.

"Today I did something wrong and suffered the consequences. FML"


Even if he doesn't like it, he has to learn that you DON'T hit people in those places. EVER. FYL.

TallMist 32

If someone touches you in a way you don't want them to, and you have warned them already, you have EVERY right to defend yourself. Little kid or not.

anniet292929 3

YDI. I hate being tickled, and when someone tickles me, I uncontrollably start kicking. It's hard restraining it to keep from hurting people. They think it's funny to tickle me, I think it's funny when I accidentally kick them square in the jaw.

OP shouldn't have been tickiling have been the kid, but his parents need to teach him that he can't punch people in revenge for it. Kids tickle each other too, and if he punches classmates ge will get in big trouble.

YDI. If the kid doesn't like it, you know he doesn't like it, then WTF were you thinking by doing it anyway? People like you make me sick.

Your nephew is awesome. He deserves a high-five.

**** you and everyone who shares the 'I know this person doesn't like this/that so I'll do it anyway to be a fuckface and complain about the consequences' feeling. He was right to punch you and has bigger balls than you probably ever will too.

the little kid sounds a little unsupervised and he needs to be taught that there are a lot of things in life we don't like but that doesn't mean that you punch someone!!!!

of course you deserved it you idiot. you know he doesn't like it and you did it anyway.