By sadinthesack - 31/08/2009 18:56 - United States

Today, I was making love to my girlfriend and was pretty impressed with myself for lasting through multiple songs. Then I realized her ipod was playing a medley. I only lasted 3 1/2 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 887
You deserved it 10 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

idratherbewrestl 0

relax dont do it! when you want to come!


aenglis2 0

wow.... no offense man but you really need to work on logevity unless she just likes a minute man....

35 I'm pretty sure you can't be talking about making love based on yer pic

Stevieebabyy 0

That's enough for Lady GaGa's heart to quit.

loserboii 11

don't worry I am only 14 and 7.5 and i last not to much longer

Baytheshark 14

That's sad. Your 14 and having sex. I feel bad for you.

blah123blah 0

Better than erectile disfunction, or pre- premature ejaculation.

Dynoblaze 1

average is 6 min. you need to double your time.

Audge 0

awh man dude. that totally sucks.

At least she has low expectations, I'd be so shamed to last less than 15. FYL, until you buy some "extended" pleasure condoms. :p

agony690 3

you can only go that long?!?!?!? wow dude come on. wait dont come thats the prob

jessicadawg 0

Was she at least satisfied.? I'm a little embarrassed for you.