By sadinthesack - 31/08/2009 18:56 - United States

Today, I was making love to my girlfriend and was pretty impressed with myself for lasting through multiple songs. Then I realized her ipod was playing a medley. I only lasted 3 1/2 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 887
You deserved it 10 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

idratherbewrestl 0

relax dont do it! when you want to come!


Dude, you're average. Stop worrying about it.

hahahaha I hope u read every single one of the comments and realize that you should have your man card revoked. 3 1/2 minutes... pathetic.

Devonta2008 0

lol That to funny your a tool and need to learn how to please a woman

jcrazy123 0

YDI don't get so excited think of anything other than what you are and want to trydoing jerk off first look on the brightside she with you that says alot

FYL sucks to be you....dont pay attention to it too much.

Greyst0ne 0
ZiggyMorrison 0

This ones easy to fix before you **** your girlfriend jack off hell jack off twice if you have to and why arnt you ******* her a second time? most guys dont last long on the first shot but they go three or four more times after that

Wow I bet a lot of users here are virgins acting like they're so much better than this guy

spykid09 0

damn that sucks i lasted longer my first time