By benji - 01/11/2011 19:02 - United States

Today, I was hurriedly doing laundry. I threw a second load in the dryer and slammed the door shut. All of a sudden, I heard scratching and whining coming from the dryer. My cat probably hates me now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 397
You deserved it 38 577

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SugarCrazy 14

She threw it in the dryer, not the washing machine...


I think I'd be more afraid of you than that dryer... If I were that cat.


PiperWoods 0

The first sentence sounds awkward to me? I was hurriedly..?

bubo_fml 10

"Happiness is a tight...well...Nevermind!"

itsame0987 18

Glad I scrolled down 117, I started singing that when I read the fml. Thank you for the laugh.

jlt9381 1

Today, meow meow meow meow, mmmmmeow meeeeeeow meooooow meowwwww meow meow. FML