By benji - 01/11/2011 19:02 - United States

Today, I was hurriedly doing laundry. I threw a second load in the dryer and slammed the door shut. All of a sudden, I heard scratching and whining coming from the dryer. My cat probably hates me now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 397
You deserved it 38 577

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SugarCrazy 14

She threw it in the dryer, not the washing machine...


I think I'd be more afraid of you than that dryer... If I were that cat.


kodinbug 2

At least you stop it in time, my kitty died that way:(

bizarre_ftw 21

Ahh trolls. The black plague of the Internet.

brokenpromisespr 0

How can u not see the cat in there?!?!

13FTW 9

191, there's no such thing as trolls. They only exist is EvilPotato's memories of getting gangbanged by enonymous, perdix, and boners. Duhhhh, everyone knows that.

lifeisbullshiz 3

awww poor kitty! I guess that will teach you to not check the washer OR dryer before you start it! I have a cat who LOVES getting in the dryer while I'm loading it, so it's an automatic habit to check before loading it and before shutting the doors! you better spoil the FU*K out of it for the trauma you've caused it! :)