By benji - 01/11/2011 19:02 - United States

Today, I was hurriedly doing laundry. I threw a second load in the dryer and slammed the door shut. All of a sudden, I heard scratching and whining coming from the dryer. My cat probably hates me now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 397
You deserved it 38 577

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SugarCrazy 14

She threw it in the dryer, not the washing machine...


I think I'd be more afraid of you than that dryer... If I were that cat.


I laughed SOOO hard! Thank you for making my day, OP! I was sick on Halloween and needed a pick-me-up! ;)

Rofl I once locked mine in the dresser drawer putting laundry away. Found him a few hours later. He was pissed.

Late_night83 25

Don't see how this one made it through...

Icecream93 4

At least she will be clean? I hope he didnt drown.. FYL

U call the cat a she first in ur comment then a he. Make up u mind!

samicna 4

You are very lucky you didn't kill your cat! I hope you don't have children! Very scary

workoutfreak 4

The funny thing is I've done this too