By benji - 01/11/2011 19:02 - United States

Today, I was hurriedly doing laundry. I threw a second load in the dryer and slammed the door shut. All of a sudden, I heard scratching and whining coming from the dryer. My cat probably hates me now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 397
You deserved it 38 577

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SugarCrazy 14

She threw it in the dryer, not the washing machine...


I think I'd be more afraid of you than that dryer... If I were that cat.


I'm going to assume that this was posted on the wrong FML on accident. . .

This is the second time this week that someone has corrected there comment as I was posting about it therefore making me look like a dumbass ha ha. Well played, sir

Yes, but did correct it in time. Would have looked stupid!!

Female. I thought it said it in my profile

At least you caught on quickly enough. My wife's moms boyfriend killed one of her cats that way

fez667 0
JHandAC 4

Be happy you didn't turn it on O.o

twisted_cherub 14

Count yourself lucky, OP. My mom killed my pet bat that way. Poor Priscilla died in a load of towels. At least you heard your cat in time.

hoodyNOT2shoes 0

Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! Ur cats fine!!!!!

Where happened to my comment, where did you go. My nightmare

now.. how could the OP have known the cat was in there? he could've thought it was a shirt or somethin so i dont get why theres so many YDI's like... really?

AntTheAssassin2 1

funny if it would of came out scratching