By confusedphotographer - 19/04/2009 18:09 - United States

Today, I was fixing some photos for a client. I spent 20 minutes trying to Photoshop an unusual black dot out of a picture. Only then did I discover it was a black dot on my computer screen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 859
You deserved it 64 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

After the first minute wouldn't you notice that the paintbrush wasn't covering the dot?

designedlikedice 0

You should have realized it wasn't on the picture a long time ago. FYL for being so stupid.


This is not an FML. You're just an idiot.

woahcomments 0

HAHA its ok. i feel for you. i've done that too. of course, i didn't spend 20 minutes... more like 20 seconds... but still.

This is a bullshit FML. FML for wasting time reading this.

StayGoldKim 0

Even though this isn't a FML necessarily it made me laugh none the less . You guys need to stop bitchin' like crazy. Get the ****** sticks out your asses . Ugh .

Thats not freally an FML. Thats more of an EPIC Fail!!!

kewlfox 0

Wow, okay people, get over it already. Whether its an FML or not, you just wasted your own time commenting. As did I. FAOL (eff all our lives)

vivaverde123 0

This is probably one of the best FML ive ever read. I cant believe there are so many comments saying that this shouldnt even be a FML!

If you're capable of using PhotoShop, you should be capable of realizing what is on the display and what is junk on the actual screen. Totally deserved it.

hahaa!!! I've done that before!! I spent some time cleaning up old photos for use in a video and what I thought was something on the old photo ended up being dirt on my screen.... I feel for you!!!!