By confusedphotographer - 19/04/2009 18:09 - United States

Today, I was fixing some photos for a client. I spent 20 minutes trying to Photoshop an unusual black dot out of a picture. Only then did I discover it was a black dot on my computer screen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 859
You deserved it 64 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

After the first minute wouldn't you notice that the paintbrush wasn't covering the dot?

designedlikedice 0

You should have realized it wasn't on the picture a long time ago. FYL for being so stupid.



honestly like who cares? its OKAYYY so its not a good FML you dont need to be so harsh. just get over it an stop having stupid internet fights. and i agree with 55.

#54, you totally beat me to the punch. I call fake on this one.

#54 it's "an hour" because the h is silent, it's "an fml" because the letter f is pronounced "eff". not really the same concept.

#30; What is 5 seconds long that could be lifechanging?

I might have done the same thing, but it wouldn't have taken me 20 minutes to figure out. Oh well, little mistakes happen sometimes.

lmao, that is something that would have happened to me.